Rez Arts

Bridging the gap between the Church and the arts

Called to create.

In Genesis 1, God creates. It is His first recorded act in Scripture. Not only does He create, but when He creates man, He creates in God’s own image (imago dei.) Therefore, as God’s created beings, we were created to be creators through Christ.

The creative character of God is not limited to Genesis, nor is His love of the arts only displayed in Eden. There are numerous accounts throughout Scripture: Bezalel in Exodus 31, who is enabled by the Spirit of God to “devise artistic designs” and “work in every craft” in construction of the Tabernacle; King David, who played the lyre before Saul in 1 Samuel 16, danced before the Lord in 2 Samuel 6, and composed 73 (if not more) of his own poems through the Psalms; Our Lord and Savior Jesus was both a storyteller and a carpenter, and in Ephesians 2:10 we are identified as God’s poeima (poem) in Christ Jesus.

As Hans Rookmaaker puts it: “The artists needs no justification. God called him, gave him talents. We cannot go without him. So let’s help him; in prayer, in encouragement, not just with words, but also in deeds according to what we can give. Indeed, what we cannot afford to be without needs no justification.”

(quotation taken from Art Needs No Justification by Hans Rookmaaker)

Artists at Rez

Artists at Resurrection have opportunities throughout the year to create and showcase their works in seasonal galleries based off of our liturgical calendar.

Rez Arts Night

We also host an annual “Arts Night” in August, which is a free event in two parts: a visual arts gallery and a live event for narrative & musical arts.

This event is by submission, and we encourage submissions from those within and outside of our church.

If you’re interested in participating in our 2024 Arts Night, find more info here.

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