Don’t have a Bible, and don’t know where to start? You can find a well-translated and well-priced one here.
The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is the Bible arranged for worship. It contains Bible reading plans (lectionaries), guides for worship services, devotionals, and written prayers for every occasion. Every part of our liturgical life is drawn from this historic work, which Christians have used in similar forms for millennia. Click here to buy a copy, download a free PDF, or learn more.
This is a resource put out by our denomination which seeks to help Christians or those interested in Christianity understand the foundations of the faith in a clear, concise, and conversational way. To purchase one, click here.
Daily Morning Prayer and Daily Evening Prayer are the established rites (offices) by which, both corporately and individually, God’s people annually encounter the whole of the Holy Scriptures, daily confess their sins and praise Almighty God, and offer timely thanksgivings, petitions, and intercessions.
Click here for an online version of the Daily Office readings and prayers.