
We have various studies that meet at different times throughout the week. Some are for women, some are for men, and some are mixed gatherings.

Join any time. Visitors and friends are welcome.

  • Christian Classics

    This group discusses classic works from church history to provide a framework for interpreting Scripture. It is open to men and women.

    We will begin studying “The Holiness of God” by RC Sproul on Jan 12th.

    Sundays, 8:45-9:45am in the Conference Room.

  • Youth Christian Classics (Ages 12+)

    Our youth will be reading through the same Christian Classics as our adult class. This study, beginning Jan. 12th, will be “The Holiness of God” by RC Sproul.

  • Sunday Morning Kids (Ages 12 and under)

    Our youngest children sit at the feet of Scripture and Liturgy as they grow together in their relationship with Jesus through catechesis, recitation, narration, and hands on activities.

    Sundays, 8:45-9:45am in the Atrium.

  • Ladies Discipleship Group

    Each week, this multi-generational group of women encourage and disciple one another to deepen their Christian walk through interactive conversations on the Scriptures, video lessons, and other materials.

    Mondays 6:30-8pm at the church.

  • Colossians

    The purpose of this group is to deepen men’s understanding of the Scriptures and to strengthen their walk with Christ. The evening consists of discussion on a Psalm and a book of the New Testament.

    1 & 3 Mondays 7-8 pm at the church.

  • Women's Bible Study

    The Tuesday morning women’s Bible study is designed for women to grow in an intimate relationship with God and with one another through deep study of the Holy Scriptures, personal conversations with one another, and intentional prayer. Currently, the ladies are studying “The Women of the Bible.”

    Tuesdays 9:30-11:30am in the Parish Hall.

  • Crossroads Women's Ministry (Kennesaw Group)

    Crossroads is a women’s ministry whose purpose is to study the Word in a home group for the fostering of real relationships. The Word is studied line by line with a facilitator leading discussion. This fall, the group is beginning to study the gospel of Mark.

    Wednesdays 10am-noon - please contact Mimi Harmon (770-316-1168) for more info.

  • Crossroads Women's Ministry (Canton Group)

    Crossroads is a women’s ministry whose purpose is to study the Word in a home group for the fostering of real relationships. The Word is studied line by line with a facilitator leading discussion. This fall, the group is beginning to study the gospel of Mark.

    Thursdays 10am-noon - please contact Mimi Harmon (770-316-1168) for more info.

  • Isaiah

    The purpose of this group is for guys to know God and one another better by studying the Word, praying for one another, and sharing lunch together.

    Thursdays 11:30am-1:30pm at the church. Please bring your own lunch with you for fellowship.

  • Men's Monthly Breakfast

    The men get together on the first Saturday of every month for fellowship and teaching. The breakfast builds community among the men in our congregation, and it serves as a “leadership pipeline” for guys to be trained in how to handle God’s Word.

    1 Saturday of the month 8-9:30am in the Parish Hall.